
4 reasons to trust JGB

Trust is an extremely important factor when it comes to security and protection. JGB strongly believes in building a relationship of trust with its customers through a close relationship and also through strict quality control, from the production process to the final destination, where the PPE is used by the user.

            Working with the handling of materials that pose risks is very delicate, and every care is necessary, so we know how important trust in our solutions and equipment is. To help you increasingly trust the JGB, here are 4 reasons why you should trust JGB. Check it out:

1. A lot of experience and maturity: 34 years of experience

Producing and delivering a result of excellence, which can be trusted, takes time. This maxim is for everything in life; The more we try, experiment and practice, the more we gain experience, maturity and improvement. That is why taking into account the age of a company that delivers risk protection solutions, such as JGB, is a very important factor for trust.

2. Standard of excellence and recognition

Ser reconhecido pelo padrão de qualidade e excelência é um fator muito importante para a construção da confiança. Instituições de credibilidade no mercado que premiam empresas em categorias significativas para o segmento contribuem muito para o reconhecimento positivo de marca, logo, favorecendo a confiabilidade e a credibilidade das empresas.

JGB has already received some good acknowledgments:

• We were the first Brazilian company in our segment to receive a European certification, CE Marking, for our gloves in Kouríon.

• We received the “Talent Entrepreneurs” award for the innovation brought in the launch of leather specially treated for high temperatures.

• We won the RS Quality Award, Bronze Category in the Gaucho Quality and Productivity Program (PGQP).

• We received the certification of the quality management system according to ISO 9001: 2015. These awards and certifications are the expression of all the effort and the strong investment that JGB makes in technology, training and qualification, in addition to the strict quality control of the products.

3. A huge amount of research and empathy

            How to trust a solution provided by a company that has never lived the day to day life of those who work in situations, environments and that do not handle high-risk materials? It is almost impossible to trust!

            It is with these factors in mind that JGB invests heavily in research and has highly qualified professionals to develop the best risk protection solutions. Another very important point is empathy, which is the ability to put yourself in the other’s shoes and try to find out how he feels and acts in a given situation. Empathy with customers is essential within the values of JGB.

“It is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the environment and working conditions, so that we can develop products and services that are appropriate to the reality of each client. For this, JGB has a team of professionals trained and oriented to provide specialized support, in order to meet specific needs, including guidelines for the correct use of products, as well as their preservation ”.


4. JGB: State-of-the-art technology

            One of the main attributes that a company that offers risk protection solutions needs to have is the investment in cutting edge technology. It is the high technology of materials that can provide the best protection solutions and, with each passing year, many of these technologies are renewed, improved and new materials are developed for the manufacture of protective equipment.

            One of JGB’s main objectives is to bring the best and most current technologies to its products, always innovating! The product team is constantly researching and updating to bring the best in risk protection solutions. The use of the latest technology in the development and manufacture of protective equipment is one of JGB’s priorities.
